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Our Robot
2023-24 Season

We were ready to Take the Stage and Turn Up the Volume!


Each January, the FIRST Robotics Competition challenge is announced. We do not get any blueprints for how to build our robot. Once the challenge is announced, our team immediately begins to discuss strategy and gets to work designing our robot to execute the challenge. We use CAD to design and build our robot. Most of the parts for our robot are made by our team in our robotics room at Watertown-Mayer High School, using 3D printers, a CNC router, & various hand and power tools.

2023-24 FIRST Competition Challenge

Crescendo Logo 2024.png


In CRESCENDO presented by Haas, FIRST Robotics Competition teams will use their STEM skills and creative power to turn up the volume as they design, build, and program their robots for action-packed game play. Watch the game animation to inspire ideas.

Our Robot Build

Images of this year's robots.

2023-2024 Robot.JPG
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Prototype Robot                               Competition Robot

Key Features of Our Robot

  • Swerve drive on chassis – facilitates intuitive, rapid robot movement. 

  • Agility – a true 2-d drive train in which drive direction may be divorced from chassis orientation.

  • Traction – high traction wheels may be employed without negative consequence; force may be vectored in any desired direction.

  • Low robot center of gravity, which makes robot stable during motion and collision events.

  • Beneath the chassis intake of notes (game pieces), enabling all robot components to be contained within robot chassis boundary.

  • Re-positional launcher chute, controlled from human operator controls.

  • Multiple launch wheels, thus giving better control of note launch path.

  • On-board cameras, to supply visual feedback to the human operators.


Regional Competition

We attended the Northern Lights Regional Competition on February 28 - March 2, 2024 in Duluth, Minnesota.

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